Eyelid Surgery

Brooks Plastic Surgery
Christopher Brooks, MD
Plastic Surgery located in Hollywood, FL
If you’re troubled by changes in your eyelid skin, Christopher Brooks, MD, of Brooks Plastic Surgery offers state-of-the-art eyelid surgery that can help. Many men and women in and around Hollywood, Florida, have turned to Dr. Brooks to achieve improved eyelid contouring. When you’re ready to learn more, book an appointment at Brooks Plastic Surgery today, online or by phone.
Eyelid Surgery Q & A
What is eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess fat, skin, and muscle tissue in your eyelids. This type of surgery is commonly used to address the changes in eyelid skin that occur over time.
For some men and women, eyelid surgery is an aesthetic matter. They want to reduce the appearance of drooping eyelids and under-eye bags. Many combine this procedure with others like a brow lift or face-lift. When eyelid surgery is performed solely for aesthetic reasons, the procedure is usually not covered by health insurance.
In other cases, eyelid surgery is needed to restore proper vision. Some men and women experience a level of eyelid sagging that obscures their vision in the upper and side portions of the eye. In such cases, your procedure may be covered by health insurance.
What can eyelid surgery accomplish?
Dr. Brooks has extensive experience in eyelid surgery. He has the skill to evaluate the skin around your eyes and create a surgical plan to address your specific needs.
Some of the issues eyelid surgery can correct include:
- Drooping or baggy upper eyelids
- Extra skin on your lower eyelids
- Bags under your eyes
- Extra skin on your upper eyelids that blocks peripheral vision
Dr. Brooks discusses your expected results during your consultation, so don’t delay booking a visit.
What happens during eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery is generally an outpatient procedure. Dr. Brooks injects a numbing medication into your eyelids and you’ll receive intravenous medication to help you relax during the procedure.
Once you’re resting comfortably, Dr. Brooks makes an incision along the fold of your eyelid. Any excess skin, fat, or muscle is removed, and the incision is then closed. This approach means your incision line sits along the natural fold of your eyelid, where it won’t be readily apparent.
For your lower eyelids, the incision line sits just beneath your lash line or just inside your lower lid. Once the excess skin, fat, or muscle is removed, the incision is closed.
If you have questions or concerns about eyelid surgery, call or use the online tool to book your one-on-one consultation today. You’ll receive all the details needed to make an informed decision about your care.